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The Traditional Moroccan Hammam: A Comprehensive Guide

The traditional Moroccan hammam is a natural therapy method that involves a steam bath. It helps to open the skin pores and prepare the body for other components of the Moroccan hammam, such as Moroccan soap, Dead Sea mud, and Moroccan exfoliating gloves. The steam helps eliminate toxins, relax the body, and also provides deep cleansing for the body.

The Benefits of Moroccan Hammam

The Moroccan hammam is an integral part of the traditional routine for Moroccans. It takes place in a dedicated steam room known as the “hammam room,” characterized by a warm and humid environment. The temperature is adjusted to around 40-50 degrees Celsius to induce sweating, open the pores of the skin, and enhance relaxation. Women often incorporate Moroccan beauty secrets, such as using henna and other traditional practices, during their hammam sessions.

Skin purification and detoxification

Combining steam, exfoliation, and deep cleansing is beneficial for purifying the skin by eliminating impurities, dirt, excess oils, and fats.

Also, This process helps open the pores, preventing the emergence of acne and leaving the skin more radiant.

Additionally, during this experience, a skilled attendant, often a woman, takes care of you, providing services such as massage or other treatments.

By ridding the body of pollutants, this bath not only removes toxins but also leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Soften and nourish hair

While the primary focus here is on the body, this bath also provides significant benefits for the hair.

Both the steam and the humidity in the bath chamber contribute to moisturizing the hair, making it more manageable, reducing frizz, and enhancing control and styling.

Furthermore, incorporating natural hair treatments during the bath nourishes the hair, giving it a shinier and healthier appearance.

Moroccan bath method

  • Preparation: The bather enters the hammam room, and then sits to allow their body to acclimate to the environment, preparing the skin for the cleansing process that begins with the body receiving a warm steam moisturization.
  • Application of Moroccan Soap: At this stage, traditional Moroccan black soap, rich in minerals and prime-grade olive oil, is applied. The soap is gently rubbed onto the entire body, including the face, using soft massage motions that help the natural ingredients of the soap penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin.
  • Exfoliation with the Kessa Glove: The Kessa glove is a rough exfoliating glove that helps clean your skin deeply. You use it by rubbing your whole body in circles to get rid of dead skin cells, leftover products, and impurities, leaving your skin refreshed and clean.
  • Rinsing the Body: After the exfoliation process, the body is thoroughly rinsed with warm water. This step is essential to remove soap residues and the loosened dead skin cells from the body.

The products used in the Moroccan hammam

  1. Moroccan Soap
  2. Kessa Glove (Coarse-textured exfoliating glove made of fiber)
  3. Moroccan Clay
  4. Fassi Alum (A traditional cosmetic product)
  5. Henna
  6. Rosewater
  7. Argan Oil
  8. Herbal Masks
  9. Bathing Stone



